Use Gzip to compress
The standard zipping/compression program in Gnu/Linux OS is gzip that is Gnu Zip. The extension of Gzip is “.gz” or “.z“
To compress a single file only using gzip just:
$ gzip filename
To compress many files do as shown below:
$ gzip testfile1 testfile2 testfile3
To compress all files in a specific directory
$ gzip -r directoryName
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/egdir2$ cd egdir4
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/egdir2/egdir4$ ls
tf1 tf4 tf5
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/egdir2$ gzip -r egdir4
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/egdir2/egdir4$ ls
tf1.gz tf4.gz tf5.gz
Basic decompress command in bash:
$ gzip -d filename.gz
As you can see, you have just to add the “-d” option.
Other useful options in gzip are:
-t --test
Test. Check the compressed file integrity.
-v --verbose
Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each file
As an example of “-v” option please check the example below:
fakhri@dev:~$ gzip -v *Finance*
25 04 2022 Finance-20220519.bak: 81.9% -- replaced with 25 04 2022 Finance-20220519.bak.gz
25 04 2022 Finance-20220524.bak: 81.9% -- replaced with 25 04 2022 Finance-20220524.bak.gz
25 04 2022 Finance-20220526.bak: 82.0% -- replaced with 25 04 2022 Finance-20220526.bak.gz
25 04 2022 Finance-20220602.bak: 82.2% -- replaced with 25 04 2022 Finance-20220602.bak.gz
25 04 2022 Finance-20220603.bak: 82.2% -- replaced with 25 04 2022 Finance-20220603.bak.gz
Tarball to create an archive
Unlike in Windows or MacOS you cannot create an archive and zip it with the same program. To create an archive of multiple files or/and directories in Gnu/Linux you need to use tar also called tarball and tape archive. The extension of the tarball program is is “.tar“
Thus, to create a compressed archive you need to use both tar and Gzip together. Thus the file will end with “.tar.gz
” or ".tgz
We will get in detail on how to do so using the command line.
The archive files using tar do as follows:
$ tar -cvf archiveName.tar file1 file2
-c, –create
Create a new archive.
-v, –verbose
verbosely list files processed
-f, –file
All the files will be archived in the tar file named archiveName.tar
Create an archive for all the files and subdirectories in the current folder:
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/Ttardir2$ ls
t23.tar t2.tar t4.tar t5 t5.tar tardir4 tdir3 tf2 tf3
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/Ttardir2$ tar cvf tardir30june.tar *
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/Ttardir2$ ls
t23.tar t2.tar t4.tar t5 t5.tar tardir30june.tar tardir4 tdir3 tf2 tf3
fakhri@dev:~/Documents/Ttardir2$ tar tf tardir30june.tar
The following command is used to display the content of the tardir30june.tar archive:
tar tf tardir30june.tar
To create a gzipped and archived file for all the files and directories in the current directory type the following command:
$ tar cvzf archiveName.tar.gz *
The added “z” option uses gzip to zip the archive.
To extract the tarball archive do so:
$ tar xvf archiveName.tar
To extract a compressed archive with gzip:
$ tar xvfz archiveName.tar.gz
Other useful and common options are:
-t, –list
List the contents of an archive
-k, –keep-old-files
Don’t replace existing files when extracting.